~ a vry heart touching true sad but true love story ...awesome video of an awesome russian song with lott of meaning ..~ ~PLEASE DO WATCH THE WHOLE VIDEO TILL THE END TO KNOW THE REAL MEANING ~ ~It LL BeCoMe a FaVoUrItE Of eVrYoNe wHo mAy wAtCh iT FuLLy As It WiLL ToUcH eAcH & eVrY sInGlE HeArT ..TrUe LoVe fOr tHe oNe wE loVe rEaLLy mEaNs A LOttt BuT SomTiMeS tHe oNe wHoM We loVe mAy NeVeR ReALise it ..tHeY mAy NeVeR CoMe tO KNoW hOw MuCh We eVeR CaRed & LoVed ThEm ~
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